EEIR - Electronic Technologies

EEIR 1391  Special Topics in Electrical and Electronics Equipmnt Installer Repairer: Mobile Electronics I  3 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 3 Lab)  
This course covers basic and advanced electrical troubleshooting. Fundamentals of direct and alternating current, including Ohm’s Law, Watts Law, and Kirchhoff’s Law, as well as capacitance and inductance circuits are also covered. Emphasis is placed on learning automotive, electrical, and charging systems. Installation knowledge & Techniques are practiced. Methods of analysis and circuit measurements using DMMS, VOMS, Test Lights and Noise Sniffers are enforced. Prerequisite: CETT 1341
EEIR 1491  Special Topics in Electrical and Electronics - Equipment Installer and Repairer - Mobile Installer I  4 Credit Hours  (4 Lec, 1 Lab)  
Topics address recently identified current events, skills, knowledge, and/or attitudes and behaviors pertinent to the technology or occupation and relevant to the professional development of the student. This course was designed to be repeated multiple times to improve student proficiency. (Formerly EEIR 1391) Prerequisite: CETT 1429
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course