Catalog A-Z Index
- ABDR - Auto Collision Repair
- Ability-to-Benefit Alternatives
- About Laredo College
- Academic Calendar
- Academic Fresh Start
- Academic Innovation and Technology Division
- Academic Standing Standard of Work
- Academic Support Services
- ACCT - Accounting
- ACNT - Accounting
- Administration and Faculty
- Admissions
- Advanced Emergency Medical Technician, Certificate II
- Advising Center
- Applied Accounting
- Applied Accounting, Associate of Applied Science
- Applied Accounting, Certificate I
- Applied Accounting, Certificate II
- Approved and Accredited
- ARCE - Drafting
- ARTS - Arts History and Studio
- Arts & Sciences Division
- Assessment and Placement
- Associate of Arts or Science
- Auditing Classes
- AUMT - Automotive Tech
- Automotive-Collision Repair Technology
- Automotive-Collision Repair Technology, Certificate I
- Automotive Service Technician, Certificate I
- Automotive Technology
- Baccalaureate Degrees
- Basic County Corrections
- Basic Eligibility Criteria
- Basic Peace Officer
- BCIS - Business Comp Info Sys
- BIOL - Biology
- BIOM - Electronic Technologies
- BMGT - Management Business
- BNKG - Mgt Bank Finance
- Board of Trustees
- BUSG - Management
- BUSI - Business Admin
- Campus Carry
- Catalog A-Z Index
- CBRM - Construction Trades
- CDEC - Child Development
- Center for Learning, Academic, and Student Success (CLASS)
- CETT - Electronic Technologies
- CHEF - Culinary Arts
- CHEM - Chemistry
- Child Development
- Child Development Assistant, Certificate I
- Child Development, Associate of Applied Science
- CISCO Administration, Occupational Skills Award
- CJCR - Criminal Justice
- CJLE - Criminal Justice
- CJSA - Criminal Justice
- Cloud Computing, Associate of Applied Science
- Cloud Computing, Certificate I
- Cloud Computing, Certificate II
- CNBT - Construction Engineering Tech
- CNSE - Transportation Mtrls Moving
- Code of Student Conduct and Discipline
- COMG - Communications Improvement
- COMM - Communications
- Community Education
- Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology
- Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology, Certificate II
- Computer Aided Drafting and Design Technology, Occupational Skills Awards
- Computer Information Systems
- Concentration in Architectural Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- Concentration in Architectural Technology, Certificate II
- Concurrent Enrollment
- Construction Management
- Construction Management, Associate of Applied Science
- Construction Management, Certificate I
- Construction Management, Certificate II
- COSC - Computer Science
- Cosmetology
- Cosmetology, Certificate I
- Cost of Attendance
- Counseling and Disability Services
- Course Descriptions
- CPMT - Electronic Technologies
- Credit by Non-Traditional Means
- CRIJ - Criminal Justice
- Criminal Justice, Associate of Applied Science
- CRPT - Carpentry Technology
- CSME - Cosmetology
- CT - Cont.Ed.
- CTMT - Computed Tomography Rad Tech
- Culinary Arts
- Culinary Arts, Associate in Applied Science
- Culinary Arts, Certificate I
- Cybersecurity Institute
- DANC - Dance
- Degree Programs & Certificates
- DEMR - Diesel Mechanics
- Developmental/Corequisite Courses
- DFTG - Drafting
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography
- Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Associate of Applied Science
- Diesel Engine Mechanics and Repair Technology
- Diesel Heavy Truck Technician, Certificate I
- Diesel Technician Assistant, Occupational Skills Award
- Digital Forensics Associate in Applied Science
- Directory of Records
- DITA - Health Prof Related Clinical
- DMSO - Diag Medical Sonography
- DNTA - Dental Assisting/Asstant
- DRAM - Drama
- Drugs, Alcohol and Other Substances
- DSVT - Diag Vascular Tech
- Dual Enrollment and Dual Credit
- ECON - Economics
- ECRD -Electrocardiograph Tech
- EDTC - Child Development
- Educational Loans
- EDUC - Education
- EECT - Electronic Technologies
- EEIR - Electronic Technologies
- Electrical Technology
- Electrician Helper, Certificate I
- Electronics Technology
- Electronic Technologies, Associate of Applied Science
- Electronic Technologies, Certificate I
- Electronic Technologies, Certificate II
- ELMT - Electrical Technology
- ELPT - Electrical Technology
- ELTN - Electrical Technology
- EMAP - Emergency Management
- Emergency Medical Services
- Emergency Medical Technician, Certificate I
- EMSP - Emergency Medical
- ENER - Electronic Technologies
- Engineering Technology
- Engineering Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- Engineering Technology, Certificate I
- Engineering Technology, Certificate II
- ENGL - English
- ENGR - Engineering
- Enrollment Information
- ENTC - Engineering Technology
- EPCT - Environmental Engineering Tech
- Equal Opportunity Statement
- ESOL - Engl for Speakers other Lang
- ETWR - English Lang and Literature
- Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
- FDNS - Culinary Arts
- Fee Guidelines for Community Education Programs
- Field of Study Curriculum
- Financial Aid
- Financial Aid Verification
- FIRS - Fire Science
- First Time in College Students
- FIRT - Fire Protection Tech
- FITT -Parks Recreation/Leisure
- FPTA - Fire Prot Technology
- Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA)
- FREN - French
- FSHN - Intro to Retail and Sales
- General Elective 10 hrs (GN10)
- General Elective 1 hr (GEN1)
- General Elective 2 hrs (GEN2)
- General Elective 3 hrs (GEN3)
- General Elective 4 hrs (GEN4)
- General Elective 5 hrs (GEN5)
- General Elective 6 hrs (GEN6)
- General Policy
- GEOG - Geography
- GEOL - Geology
- GERM - German
- GISC - Geographic Info Systems
- GOVT - Government
- Grades and Grade Point Average
- Graduation
- Grants
- HAMG - Hospitality Adm Mgt
- HART - Heating & AC
- Health Sciences Division
- Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning, and Refrigeration, HVACR Assistant, Certificate I
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, with a concentration in Commercial Air Conditioning and Refrigeration, Certificate II
- Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning & Refrigeration Technology
- Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, with a concentration in Residential Air Conditioning & Refrigeration, Certificate II
- High School Accreditation
- HIST - History
- History of Laredo College
- HITT - Medical Office
- HMSY - Homeland Security/Pub Adm
- Homeland Security & Emergency Management Studies
- Homeland Security Studies, Associate of Applied Science
- Homeland Security Studies, Certificate I
- Homeland Security Studies, Certificate II
- Home School Students
- Honors Program
- HPRS - Medical Office
- HRPO - Human Resources
- HUMA - Humanities & Soc Sci
- IBUS/CVOP-Commercial Vehicle
- IBUS - Import/Export
- IFWA - Culinary Arts
- INCR - Electronic Technologies
- Information Assurance, Associate in Applied Science
- Information Assurance, Certificate I
- Information Assurance, Certificate II
- INMT - Manufacturing Engineering Tech
- INRW - Integrated Read/Writing
- INTC - Electronic Technologies
- International Students
- ITAL - Italian
- ITDF - Cybersecurity
- Lab Fees
- Laredo College Core Curriculum
- Law Enforcement Academy
- LEAD - Leadership, General
- Legal Disclosures
- LGLA - Introduction To Legal Assist
- Library Services
- LMGT - Management
- Logistics and Distribution
- Logistics and Distribution, Associate of Applied Science
- Logistics and Distribution, Certificate I
- Logistics and Distribution, Certificate II
- LOTT - Electronic Technologies
- MAIR - Heating & AC
- Management
- Management, Associate of Applied Science
- Management, Certificate I
- Management, Certificate II
- MATH - Mathematics
- MDCA - Medical Assisting
- Medical Assistant
- Medical Assistant, Associate of Applied Science
- Medical Assistant, Certificate I
- Message from the President
- MLAB - Medical Lab Tech
- MRKG - Man/Mktg
- MRMT - Medical Office
- MSCI - Military Science
- MUAP - Applied Music
- MUEN - Music
- MUSC - Music
- MUSI - Music
- Network Administration, Certificate I
- Network Administration, Certificate II
- Networking Fundamentals, Occupational Skills Award
- Non - Discrimination Statement
- NT - Continuing Education
- NUPC - Patient Care Technician
- NURA - Nursing Assistant
- Nursing
- Nursing, Associate Degree Nursing, Associate of Science
- Nursing, Bachelor of Science - RN to BSN
- Nursing Transition Program, Associate of Applied Science (LVN/Paramedic with A.A.S.)
- Nursing, Vocational Nursing, Certificate II
- NURS - Nursing
- Official Notifications and Communication with Students
- Official Transcripts
- ORG3 Elective Upper Level 3
- ORG4 Elective Upper Level 4
- Organizational Leadership, Bachelor of Applied Science
- ORGL - Organizational Leadership
- OSHT - OccupationalSafety/Health
- OTHA - Occupational Therapy
- Other Fees
- Our Campuses
- Our Mission
- Paramedic, Associate of Applied Science
- Paramedic, Certificate II
- PFPB - Plumbing
- PHIL - Philosophy
- PHRA - Medical Office
- Physical Therapist Assistant
- Physical Therapist Assistant, Associate of Applied Science
- PHYS - Physics
- PLAB - Phlebotomy
- POFI - Applied Business
- POFL - Legal Administrative Assistant
- POFM - Health/Medical
- POFT - Applied Business
- Protective Services
- PSTR-Personal Culinary Serv
- PSYC - Psychology
- PSYT - Counseling Psychology
- PTHA - Phys Therapist Asst
- PTRT - Petroleum Tech
- Radiologic Technology
- Radiologic Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- RADR - Radiologic Tech
- RBPT - Residential Bldg Tech
- READ - Reading
- Refunds
- RELE - Man/Real Estate
- Residency Policy for Tuition Purposes
- Returning Students
- Return to Title IV Funds (R2T4)
- RNSG -Associate Degree Nursing
- RSTO - Culinary Arts
- Satisfactory Academic Progress
- Schedule of Tuition and Fees
- Scholarships
- Scholastic Recognition Programs
- SCIT - Special Topics In Anatomy
- Search Courses
- Secondary Admissions to Special Programs
- SGNL - American Sign Language
- SLNG - Sign Language
- SLPS - Security Protective Services
- SOCI - Sociology
- SOCW - Social Work
- SPAN - Spanish
- SPCH - Speech
- SPNL - Health Care Spanish
- SRVY - Drafting
- STSC - Student Success
- Student Complaint Policy
- Student Directory Information
- Student Liability Insurance Fees
- Student Life
- Student Records
- Student Responsibilities
- Student Services
- Surveying Engineering Technology, Associate of Applied Science
- Surveying Engineering Technology, Certificate II
- TECA - Child Development
- TECM - Mathematics and Statistics
- Title IX
- Transfer of Credit
- Transfer/Transient Students
- TRIO Student Support Services
- Tuition and Fees
- Tuition Rebate Program
- WDWK - Cabinet Making
- Welding Assistant, Certificate I
- Welding Technology
- Welding Technology, with a Concentration in Combination Pipe Welding, Certificate II
- Welding Technology, with a Concentration in Combination Structural Welding, Certificate II
- Withdrawal of a Course
- WLDG - Welding
- Workforce Development Center
- Workforce Education Division
- Work Study Program