BIOM - Electronic Technologies

BIOM 1201  Biomedical Equipment Technology  2 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 1 Lab)  
Introduction to current biomedical job responsibilities, salaries, and classifications in the health care industry. Prerequisite: Concurrent enrollment in BIOM 1309
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
Corequisite: BIOM 1309  
BIOM 1309  Applied Biomedical Equipment Technology  3 Credit Hours  (3 Lec, 2 Lab)  
Introduction to biomedical instrumentation as related to anatomy and physiology. Includes medical devices for monitoring, diagnosis, and treatment of anatomical systems. Prerequisite: CETT 1425 and CETT 1429
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
Corequisite: CETT 1409, CETT 1425  
BIOM 2331  Biomedical Clinical Instrumentation  3 Credit Hours  (3 Lec, 2 Lab)  
A study of theory, application, and principles of operation of instruments commonly used in a medical laboratory. Prerequisites: BIOM 1309, CPMT 1403, and CPMT 1411
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course