Concurrent Enrollment
Concurrent Enrollment refers to a student who is enrolled at two or more postsecondary institutions at the same time.
Students who are enrolled at Laredo College may attend another college or university concurrently or at the same time. Laredo College does not need to grant permission for the student to enroll at another institution, however, the student must notify Laredo College's Office of the Registrar of their intent to enroll concurrently.
Students enrolled concurrently may not exceed a combined course load of eighteen (18) semester credit hours unless approved by both institutions.
Students receiving financial aid benefits, must complete a Consortium Agreement Form in order to calculate the combined course load for financial aid eligibility purposes at their home school.
Students receiving Veteran Services benefits, must notify the Veteran Services Center of their enrollment at both institutions. Restrictions may apply for course enrollment certification.
International students may enroll concurrently at two institutions with the approval of the students Designated School Official (DSO) for international students at their home school. Contact your home institution’s DSO for more information.