Automotive-Collision Repair Technology, Certificate I

Plan of Study Grid
First SemesterHours
ABDR 1303 Vehicle Design and Structural Analysis 3
ABDR 1307 Collision Repair Welding 3
ABDR 1419 Basic Metal Repair 4
ABDR 1431 Basic Refinishing 4
Second Semester
ABDR 1441 Structural Analysis and Damage Repair I 4
ABDR 1458 Intermediate Refinishing 4
ABDR 2402 Auto Body Mechanical and Electrical Service 4
ABDR 2441 Major Collision Repair and Panel Replacement 4
Third Semester
ABDR 1323 Collision Repair Steering and Suspension 3
ABDR 1349 Automotive Plastic and Sheet Molded Compound Repair 3
ABDR 2255 Collision Repair Estimating 2
ABDR 2449 Advanced Refinishing (Capstone) 1 4
 Total Hours42

Capstone Experience: ABDR 2449 Advanced Refinishing (Capstone) is a course taught in the last semester. The learning experiences in this course result in a consolidation of a student's educational programmatic experience.