GISC - Geographic Info Systems

GISC 1001  Cartography and Geography in GIS  6.4-9.6 Credit Hours  (64 to 96 Lec)  
GISC 1011  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems  6.4-9.6 Credit Hours  (64 to 96 Lec)  
GISC 1043  Satellite Image Analysis for Global Positioning Systems  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
GISC 1091  Special Topics in Cartography  0.7-11.2 Credit Hours  (7 to 112 Lec)  
GISC 1311  Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS)  3 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 4 Lab)  
Introduction to basic concepts of vector GIS using several industry specific software programs including nomenclature of cartography and geography.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
GISC 1491  Special Topics: Drones (sUAS) Fundamentals  4 Credit Hours  (3 Lec, 3 Lab)  
This foundation course will apply fundamental Geographic Information Systems (GISC) theories, principles and applications in the use of Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS/sUAS) technology for the acquisition and analysis of geospatial data. The students will become familiar with specialized UAS related technologies including aircraft platforms, sensors, software and applications. Applicable FAA regulations relating to UAS rating privileges, limitations, and flight operations will be covered. Prerequisite: None. Credit and or concurrent enrollment in GISC 1311 preferred.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
GISC 2001  Data Acquisition and Analysis in GIS  6.4-9.6 Credit Hours  (64 to 96 Lec)  
GISC 2020  Intermediate Geographic Information Systems  4.8-9.6 Credit Hours  (48 to 96 Lec)  
GISC 2320  Intermediate Geographic Information Systems (GIS)  3 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 4 Lab)  
This course focuses on the study of spatial data structures and the display, manipulation, and analysis of geographic information. Students will study the technical aspects involved in spatial data handling, analysis and modeling. Instruction will include theories and procedures associated with the implementation and management of GIS projects. A variety of GIS software packages will be used in the laboratory. Prerequisite: GISC 1311.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course