EMAP - Emergency Management

EMAP 1345  Hazard Mitigation and Debris Management  3 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 2 Lab)  
Hazard mitigation process and available methodologies which, when applied, will contribute to reducing the vulnerability of a jurisdiction. Includes an in-depth study of potential funding mechanisms including the Hazard Mitigation Grant Program.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 1400  Principles of Basic Emergency Management  4 Credit Hours  (3 Lec, 2 Lab)  
Overview of the Texas Emergency Management System and the concepts of emergency management and its integration of systems, basic definitions, identification of hazards, role of the local emergency manager, including interaction among various government entities. This course is equivalent to the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency courses G230 and G610.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 1440  Disaster Exercise Design and Evaluation  4 Credit Hours  (3 Lec, 2 Lab)  
Twelve-step process in the development of emergency management exercises, beginning with assessing a jurisdiction's exercise needs and continuing through criteria-based evaluation and after-action reporting. Provides students with detailed information concerning the system for command, control, and coordination of emergency response. This course is equivalent to the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Management Agency course G920.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 2300  Developing Volunteer Resources and Decision Making  3 Credit Hours  (3 Lec)  
Management of volunteer services. Emphasizes decision-making, problem solving, and effective donation management planning and implementation. This course is equivalent to the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency courses G241 and G288.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 2301  Leadership and Effective Communication  3 Credit Hours  (3 Lec)  
Analysis of personal and group dynamics in an emergency management setting. Examines the interpretation of the spoken and unspoken word and the effective utilization of public information processes of print, radio, and television media. This course is equivalent to the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency courses G240 and G242.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 2302  Managing Mass Casualty and Fatality Incidents  3 Credit Hours  (2 Lec, 2 Lab)  
Disaster scene control involving large numbers of casualties and fatalities; coordination of the responding agencies. Includes observation and critique of mass casualty disaster drills and critical incident stress debriefing.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course  
EMAP 2355  Disaster Recovery  3 Credit Hours  (3 Lec)  
Policies, concepts, and procedures of recovery. Addresses the various federal and state assistance programs. Emphasizes coordination of damage assessment, preparing documentation, and recovery procedures. This course is equivalent to the Texas Department of Emergency Management and the Federal Emergency Management Agency course G620.
Course Type: Technical/Vocational Course