DITA - Health Prof Related Clinical

DITA 1007  TSFSA Elementary Nutrition  1.6-4.8 Credit Hours  (16 to 48 Lec)  
DITA 1021  Work Simplification  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1024  Safety  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1026  Overview of Quantity Food Preparation  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1027  Record Keeping and Basic Math  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1029  Sel Rec Storage of Food Suppli  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1033  Equipment Use and Maintenance  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)  
DITA 1036  Sanitation  1.6-3.2 Credit Hours  (16 to 32 Lec)